
Hi! I’m Michael and I’m a software engineer. Hoping to kickstart a blog here as I start diving more into Kubernetes, Go, and microservices in general.

Reading the Go Standard Library - net/http

A piece of advice I often see when learning a new language is to read the standard library. So I鈥檓 taking a tour through go鈥檚 stdlib in order to get a more comprehensive understanding of the library. I鈥檝e always liked the site Learn X in Y Minutes, and decided as I went through this to write out functions and code in a similar manner. The blog post has split out the comments into Markdown, but if you just wish to see the code, you can do so on github....

January 17, 2022 路 10 min 路 Michael Thornton

Split out a Git Repo and Keep it's Commit History

One thing I鈥檝e been tasked with working on recently is splitting out microservices from a monorepo into their own separate repos. While this may sound trivial, one thing that is essential is to keep the git history associated with these services - which is more complicated than it looks. There鈥檚 a native tool built into git, git filter-branch - but it is quite finicky. Thankfully, a tool exists which offers a one command solution - git filter repo....

January 12, 2022 路 3 min 路 Michael Thornton

A Reddit SRE Challenge - Part 1

Introduction There was a thread on the devops subreddit going around about a interview challenge for a junior SRE position. Considering I鈥檝e been doing more work that might be classified under this role, I figured I鈥檇 give it a try. Lets take a look at the README.md, I鈥檝e reworked it a bit for brevity, you can see the original on github, along with all of the code described in this post:...

January 9, 2022 路 7 min 路 Michael Thornton